
Tuesday 3 November 2015

Networked – Mark Zuckerberg

Networked is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically:  the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business. The networked entrepreneur also means that they build innovative companies around core service offerings, which in addition to using ‘in-house’ assets, integrate with their business networks. Nowadays, many entrepreneurs need to be networked between each other, so they can work easily and efficiently with others in a business.

The entrepreneur who has shown the trait of “networked “is Mark Zuckerberg. He was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York. He is co-founder and CEO of the social-networking website Facebook, as well as one of the world's youngest billionaires. When he was in high school, he created an early version of the music software Pandora which called Synapse. In this way, he has been showed that his talent in making the software on the network. This makes several companies including AOL and Microsoft are interesting in buying the software and hiring him to be part of them before graduation. In this way, Mark Zuckerberg was starting making more networked entrepreneur in his business.

    Besides that, Mark Zuckerberg also showed his networked when he was in an interview with American talk show host Charlie Rose. He talked about his inspiring mentor Steve Jobs that Steve was amazing. He was build networked with Steve by asking him a lot of question. Steve Jobs was helping Zuckerberg in his business by giving him advice. Steve Jobs gave him advice about how he could build a team on building “high quality and good things”. They believed that their life path was not just building a business but more than that. They wanted to change the lives of people.

    Furthermore, Mark Zuckerberg also builds his networked when he built a program called Course Match. He built this program to help students to choose their classes based on the course selections of other users. He also invented Face mash and allowed users to vote that which one was more attractive compared to the two student pictures in the campus. In this way, he became popular in the campus. After he became popular, many people were inviting him to be a group with him to work on an idea on social networking.

                 All of this shows that Mark Zuckerberg has the potential to build networked with others people. Now, Facebook continued to succeed and became popular in the social networking. Everyone are using the “Facebook” to post and share their status to everyone. In a nutshell, we can conclude that to become a successful entrepreneur we should have to build our networked.

Mark Zuckerberg
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