
Thursday 12 November 2015

Entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

Entrepreneur and entrepreneurship are among the terms that are often cited by people since time immemorial.
This term leads to a variety of purposes and within the scope of the definition or understanding of each individual.
In this part of the discussion focused on understanding the importance of enhancement of entrepreneurial skills and personal qualities with supportive evidence by linking to successful entrepreneurs in Malaysia and the world.
Why we need to study entrepreneurship?
There are two primary reasons why studying entrepreneurship make sense. This is because you can learn to think like an entrepreneur and you can develop a vision for your life.
Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as “one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods”.
The concept of entrepreneurship has a wide range of meanings.
On the one extreme an entrepreneur is a person of very high aptitude who pioneers change, possessing characteristics found in only a very small fraction of the population.
The word entrepreneur originates from the French word, entreprendre, which means “to undertake” and to start a business. Besides that, anyone who wants to work for him or herself is considered to be an entrepreneur.
There are some successful entrepreneurs that well-known such as Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Mary Kay Ash and others.
We also learn that how an entrepreneur makes himself or herself to become successfully in the business world.
There are so many traits that own by entrepreneurs which are networked, open risk taker, visionary, failure is an option, open culture and others.
Nowadays, many successful entrepreneurs have been recognized by many people and become a history in the business world.
We can conclude that successful entrepreneurs are both born and made.
It appears that entrepreneurs have a dual composition – a certain set of born-in personality traits that drive them to seek out and succeed in the entrepreneurial life, as well as set of learned skills that enable them to apply their natural gifts most effectively.

Tuesday 10 November 2015


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We are UUM student that are taking course "Introduction To Entrepreneurship" (SADE 1013). 
We are here to share and spreads knowledge about the importance of entrepreneurship for us to be successful in this world. 
Many people wants to be success, but they do not know how. We believe that these entrepreneurial traits could be useful and helpful.

 Wan Ying

Sunday 8 November 2015


Mary Kay Ash was the successful entrepreneur, founder of her own brand Mary Kay and owner of the Mary Kay Inc. She had create miracles and opportunities for women to learn that not only man have the ability to become an entrepreneur. She is the role model of many women not only in the past but also nowadays women especially those who are weak. Her quotes inspired most of the women to become strong and be confidence.
She was born on May 12, 1918 in Hot Wells, Texas. Mary Kay Ash had married for three times and she had three children who were Richard, Ben and Marylyn with her first husband, J. Ben Rogers. Her second marriage to a chemist was brief and he died of a heart attack in 1963, just a month after the two had gotten married. She married her third husband, Mel Ash, in 1966, and the couple stayed together until Mel's death in 1980.
Mary Kay Ash, started her career at 45 after she was really tired of her traditional workplace after watching the man she trained got promoted one by one over her. She was determined to break the traditional rules and become a successful woman entrepreneur.She started her own cosmetics company, using incentive programs and other strategies to give her employees the chance to benefit from their achievements. She started with $5000 and bought a lotion formula from a family of a tanner.She believed in the golden rule "treat others as you want to be treated," and operated by the motto: God first, family second and career third.
She wrote several books including Mary Kay: The Success Story of America's Most Dynamic Businesswoman (1981), Mary Kay on People Management (1984) and Mary Kay: You Can Have It All (1995).She stepped down from the position of CEO in Mary Kay on the year 1987.
Mary Kay Ash is an open risk taker. She is the America’s foremost woman entrepreneur. Mary Kay, she does realize that she is on the disadvantage side of being an entrepreneur. During her time, men are to be seen more powerful than women. Meanwhile, women usually stay at home and do their housework.Ash says that “if a man can put in a sixty-plus-hour work week and still can be considered a good husband and father, why can’t a woman do the same?” .It was set in their mindset, when women become “liberated” in the 1960s that the ego in the men think themselves as the strong figure in the house and refuse their wives to have their own career.She is said to be an open risk taker because she dare to break the traditional chain that women should stay at home. She used to work in a company but getting frustrated to see the man she trained got to promote one by one before her so she resigned from that company even though she needs money to raise her family but still she started to take her own risk by using all her property which is $5000 investment from his oldest son, Ben Rogers, Jr. to start her company, Mary Kay Cosmetics. Mary Kay too encourage people to take risk. For instance, she took a calculated risk when she decided to make a small investment in the Starter Kit and worrying about the facts that how she should place her inventory order by minimizing her risk. She always knew her risk but she choose to take it because she knew that when the risk became success, it is an opportunity.
Furthermore, Mary Kay, she is a proactive woman. Proactive, this is the word to describe people that serving to prepare for and always went a step ahead in doing something. The people who are proactive they can react to their surrounding really fast and do it ahead before others did. Ash (1995) believes that “many people fail, not because they lack intelligence and skill, but simply because they did not concentrate their energy on a central goal”. Mary Kay plans her work and works her plan. She is a proactive woman because she is the woman who can see her future and plan with wisdom. She adapt to changes in her business and make it successful. She realize that especially in this industry nothing will be the same as always. The world is changing every second and she has to be fast to catch up with the changing. Ash (1995) states that those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened are the three types of people in this world (p.151).Companies that failed to adapt to all the changes will be prepared to enter the graveyard of the business world. For example, she is proactive in making her skin care product to be free from animal testing and make her customers to be 100% confident in using Mary Kay Cosmetics. She realized that the animal testing for the skin product would make her lose her loyal customers. She is a proactive woman in the business world to see those changing and adapt to it making her business successful in the business world.

Failure is an option, in her book The Mary Kay Way: Timeless Principles from America’s Greatest Women Entrepreneur, she mention a quote “people fail forward to success” tend to inspires people to take risk in their business. At first, she fail many times in her first Mary Kay skin care class and she was worry to prove to the small group of women that her products are good. There are times that she was desperate because she only sold a total of $1.50.There are times when she doubt her own ability to become an entrepreneur. She becomes really worry about her life because she had used up her savings for her business but no profit earned. But then she comes to realize that it was her problem and tried to the solution after analyses her problem. She did not give up and she fail forward to success. Failure is indeed an option for her to make sure she will do it better the next time.
 Mary Kay Ash had a golden rule which she abide even when she is young. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” She always believe that if she treat people with the right ways, people will work more efficiently and she will get the profits and benefits. In this way, she was to be seen as a woman that are team oriented. She treasured her team and beauty consultants and they are also loyal to her. She always treats her people with the mindset that what would I do if I were in her shoes. She suggests that a little bit of empathy in business goes a long way. When she sees someone she would imagine that that people was wearing an invisible sign that indicated “make me feel important”. Thus, Mary Kay, she has the natural ability to make people feel comfortable with her and she can leads her team to move towards the same goal as her. She treats them as family in the company. What makes Mary Kay a special boss is that she always greet her employee with warm greetings and encourage them that they are not just good but great. She not only treated them as employee but also respect each of them, regardless of their position or rank. She believes that every business is a people business. Business is all about people and this is why makes her a successful entrepreneur.

Networked is also a trait that an entrepreneur should equip with. A business especially those big ones would not be success for only one people in that company. Business is all about people. Without them, it cannot be a business. Thus, networked is an important trait to be starting business. Mary Kay did not start her business by only her own selves but also mentors. Their company has a plentiful of mentors. She mentions that her first mentor was her mother, learning all the working ethics. Besides that, she also has her employee, team and her large number of customers to support her. Her out-going personality attracts people to communicate and deal with her.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Visionary – Howard Schultz

Visionary is a person who having or showing a clear idea about what should had to do in the future. They able to see the big picture and then develop the ideas or plan to achieve the goals. They can see the possibilities that other cannot see.

This trait showed clearly from Howard Schultz. Howard Schultz is CEO and chairman of Starbucks, which is the largest coffeehouse company in the world. Although he not the founder of Starbuck, but he is the one who built the Starbucks empire.

Howard Schultz was born on July 19, 1953, in Brooklyn, New York. After graduating, Schultz worked as a salesman in a company that was selling coffee makers, Hammarplast. In 1981, he decided to visit Starbucks Coffee Company in Seattle, which was a coffee bean roaster and retailer. This is because he curious as why a small company which only have 4 stores order so many coffee makers compared to the other big company in Seattle. This trip to Seattle has totally influenced his whole life. Because of a cup of Sumatra, he made a decision to resign his high salary paid and join into Starbucks as a director of operations and marketing to grow the sales of the company. Therefore, a trip to Milan, Italy was changed his mind.

In 1983, while traveling at Milan, Italy, he was captivated by the atmosphere of an Italian coffee bars and the romance of the coffee experience. He had the vision to make a new change to the Starbucks. He thought that Starbucks should not just sell coffee beans only, also need to sell the coffee drink. This is because he want to create a place for conversation and a sense of community. He said that everybody does not just want to drink a cup of coffee, but they want to enjoy the coffee’s time. This is the Starbucks want to do.

Nevertheless, the founders of Starbucks did not agree and accepted with his idea. They did not want to make a change on their company. Schultz disappointed with their decision. In 1985, he left Starbucks and opened a coffee bar chain which named II Giornale. Two years later, he as a chief executive officer to purchase Starbucks with the help of some local investors. After that, he rebranded II Giornale to Starbucks, and he aggressively developed the market of Starbucks to many countries. Today, we can see Starbucks on every corner, over 16700 Starbucks located in more than 50 countries. Starbucks is the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world.

In the conclusion, Howard Schultz is a good example for the trait visionary. For the beginning, Starbucks set out to be a different kind of company compared to other company. Starbucks is one of the coffee company that not only celebrated coffee and the rich tradition but it purpose is also want to bring a feeling of connection between people. Their mission is “One People, One Cup, and One Neighborhood” at a time. This is the reason that make Starbucks continue success until now. Therefore, someone who wants to be a success entrepreneur like Howard Schultz must have openness, imagination, persistence, and conviction.


Howard Schultz

Open Risk Taker – Tony Fernandes

The risk is the possibilities that something bad or unpleasant may happen in the future. But as an entrepreneur, he or she must dare to take a risk. This is because who are afraid to take risk may lose some opportunity to success. Therefore, risk-taking is a very important part in the entrepreneurial life. Someone who wants to be a success entrepreneur must brave and willing to take the risk when making a decision. We can see that Tony Fernandes is an open risk taker.

Tony Fernandes is the co-founder of AirAsia Airline, which is a budget no fills airline, with a slogan “Now Everyone Can Fly”. Tony Fernandes was born in Kuala Lumpur on 30 April 1964. After he graduated his study, he had a fixed high salary paid. But, Tony was a person who had an appetite for taking risk. He was willing to leave his work and moved into the uncertain world of airline industry due to pursuing his childhood dream.

Tony want to open a discount carrier in his home country, Malaysia, but he could not get a license. Therefore, he decided to purchase AirAsia, which a near-bankrupt, stated-owned company with two jets and US$ 11 million in debt. He mortgaged his house and used his personal saving to acquire AirAsia. At that time, most lenders and industry analysts thought that he will fail and could be worse. Nevertheless, Tony did not shrink from this. This is because he think that “anything is possible”.

Tony proved that he was correct and the critics who said he will fail were wrong. AirAsia succeeded. In his lead, AirAsia miraculously broke even. He turned it into a profitable airline within two years. He reforming the airline as a short-haul low cast carrier, similar to those operating in foreign airlines. This makes AirAsia expanded quickly and now has steadily posted solid profit. Nowadays, AirAsia flies to over 20 countries around the world.

Tony Fernandes showed that if someone want to succeed, he or she must dare to take risk and try new thing. We must be confident when doing something, and must believe that nothing is impossible. 


Tony Fernandes

Failure Is an Option- Colonel Harland Sanders

Failure is a word that carry a negative connotation. Nobody wants or likes to fail when doing something. Nevertheless, no one would say that he or she never failed in his or her life. Failure is very important in the life because failure is a key toward success. Without going through the failure, we will never learn and never change. Therefore, the more we fail, the better chance we have at success in the future – it’s called experience. Failure is the mother of success. 

Colonel Harland Sanders is a good example for the trait. This is because he was facing many difficulties and setbacks before he became a successful entrepreneur. He (September 9, 1890 – December 16, 1980) was an American entrepreneur, best known for the founding the Kentucky Fried Chicken (known as KFC, one of the oldest and biggest fast food restaurant chain in the world. 

He was the oldest of three children in his siblings. Colonel only five years old when his father passed away. He forced to take over the household responsibility while his mother went out to work to support the family income. By the age of seven, he already like a master of a score of regional dishes.

When his mother remarried, he escaped and went to live with his uncle because his stepfather was an abusive man. After that, he has done a lot of jobs in his early life, such as steam engine stoker and insurance salesman. But, there was no one job which he could work at for a long time. Finally in the year 1930, Colonel wanted to make a change in his life. He opened a service station in Kentucky while serving his special chicken and other southern dishes.

Firstly, he served his customer in the living quarters, because he did not have a restaurant. After his cooking became famous, he relocated his small business into a nearby motel and restaurant that can seat 142 people. After that, he spent his next nine years to perfect his original recipe with the blend of 11 herbs and spices, known as Original Recipe. In the nine years, he also improved his basic cooking technique to reduce the time for cooking.

However, in the year 1955, at the age of 65, his booming restaurant took a massive hit. Construction of Interstate 75 made his restaurant was out of sight from passing by travelers. This caused a great loss in business. Colonel forced to sell his restaurant to cover his debt. He was almost broke when he was 66 years old, left only with his savings and $105 a month from Social Security.

Even so, Colonel never gave up. He made a decision to sell his recipe to other restaurants. With nothing to lose, he took his spices and pressure cooker, living in his car driving around the country to look for someone want to buy his chicken recipe. He traveled across the country by car from a restaurant to another restaurant, showed them how to cook the chicken. Therefore, he was rejected on many excuses, laughed at about his attire of starched white and white pants. However, he never knocked down. He took over a thousand “No’s” for two years. Finally, he found someone who said “Yes” to him. His offer was to license the recipe and receive only 5 cents per chicken in return. From this, he succeeded in growing his “chicken” empire. Nowadays, there are more than 18,000 KFC outlets in 115 countries around the world.

From the story of Colonel Harland Sanders had shown a very good role model for the trait failure is an option. Success is not necessarily a positive, failure is not necessarily a negative. What a key to being a success entrepreneur is to address failure, learn from it, and continue to move on. 


Colonel Harland Sanders

Open Culture-Mohamed Bin Ghulam Hussein

Open Culture is a concept according to which knowledge should be spread freely and its growth should come from developing, altering or enriching already existing works on the basis of sharing and collaboration, without being restricted by rules linked to the legal protection of intellectual property.

This trait showed clearly from Mr. Mohamed Bin Ghulam Hussein. He is the founder of Mydin which is one of the largest and well-established Malaysian-owned Companies involved in wholesaling and retailing. With his own saving, without the help of government or anyone else, he begins to start his business empire with his small shop that have a really small space equivalent to the shop size. After 2 decades, Mydin Mohamed finally able to expand his business to the nearer country. One of the factor that Mr. Mohamed could be so success is because he is a person that is very open culture. To Mr. Mohamed, business is a culture and a way to live. Malaysia is a country that is very diverse in ethnic, economics, religion, and cultural. He accept this diversity and use it as a weapon in his business. Mydin sells various type of item that is suitable for the public and also the specific items for different cultural. Mydin products range from food line, household, soft lines and hard lines. This makes Mydin popular in public and brings success to Mr. Mohamed.

    This is in line with its business concept of ‘from society to society’. He held fast to his slogan to sell goods at wholesale prices. Prices meant is for customers who have low incomes. Furthermore, the main factor of success for Mydin Mohamed Bin Ghulam Hussein in business is due to the ethical factor in itself is very high. The Group Mydin always monitor the quality of his products because of wholesale prices. In addition, Mydin also concerned about labeling and halal status of products sold in outlets that they owned. Mydin Group also emphasizes ethical consciousness in its management by involving employees in community services activities that can contribute to society.

As a conclusion, his business started to grew well and he became a successful entrepreneur. Open culture makes his business became one of the largest wholesaling and retailing company in Malaysia, yet he became a successful entrepreneur.

Mohamed Bin Ghulam Hussein

Proactive-Ananda Krishnan

Proactive is means that an action and result oriented behavior, instead of the one that waits for things to happen and then tries to adjust react to them. Proactive behavior aims at identification and exploitation of opportunities and in taking preemptory action against potential problems and threats, whereas reactive behavior focuses on fighting a fire or solving a problem after it occurs. It also can be defined as someone who takes an active role in dealing with something before it needs to be taken care of.

The entrepreneur who has this trait is Ananda Krishnan who was born in 1st April 1938. He is a Malaysian businessman and philanthropist and currently he is estimated to have a net worth of US$7.9 billion according to Forbes latest annual list of wealthiest people, making him the second wealthiest in Malaysia and number 129 in the world (“Forbes List of Billionaires 2011", Retrieved 20 February 2012). He is the owner of Maxis Mobile Sdn. Bhd. As an entrepreneur, he has a set of managerial qualities and business practices which he has applied in his bid to become a Malaysian billionaire.

He is proactive in taking preemptory action against potential problems by planning and analyze the current situation, anticipate future undertakings and make appropriate decision to achieve his goals. As a businessman, he determines his business strategic actively and corporate goals together with his shareholders, business partners, employees and government sector in order to deliver strategic values since his ultimate goal is to privatize and globalize the service provider Maxis. He showed that he is a proactive person in business. He takes actions before the threat arise. This decision on privatizing was his alone though he discussed and analyzed with other entrepreneurs and his shareholders. His proactive planning and good decision-making skills will help his business to achieve the goals.

He has ability to apply his result-oriented concept and decision-making skills in identifying problems and resolving them for the benefit of his business. These skills have also directly involved the external environment, namely the Malaysian community. For an example, he decided to privatize Maxis and promote the company globally for its investment benefits.  


Ananda Krishnan

Outcome Oriented – C.J.Walker

 In business circles, an outcome-oriented defined as accept the contract to work with a client to achieve their desired outcome. Employees are at liberty to utilize personalized processes in an effort to achieve set targets at the organization. The primary goal of an outcome-oriented individual or organization is to meet objectives and realize positive growth.

The entrepreneur who has the trait of outcome-oriented is Madam C.J Walker. She is the first black American women to be a self-made millionaire. She lived life from slavery to Mansions. She set a target that is she want to get out from poverty. At the age of six her parents pass away, so she moved to Vicksburg to live with her sister Louvinia and to work as a housemaid. She worked hard from the time she was very young, was extremely poor, and had little opportunity to get an education. When she was fourteen she getting married to Moses McWilliams. At eighteen she gave birth to a daughter she named Leila. Two years later her husband died. Although she loses her husband she did not give up and set her mind to achieve the target she set.  Finally, she did the best for her and also her daughter.

In 1905, she was dealing with hair loss because of a combination of stress and damaging hair care products, from that, she attended a class about this problem and it inspired her to invent hair care products to help everyone who is losing their hair. She also started her business and it became very successful and known as Walker Manufacturing Company. In 1900, she became the mother of invention.

 After all, she quickly expanded her business and trying to make it more famous. She not only marketed her hair care products but also tutored African American men and women in their use, recruiting a group called "Walker Agents. Among African American women her hair care product become more popularity.  By this popularity, her business growing profits and an increasing number of agents who marketed the products for her door to door.

Madam C.J.Walker achieved the maximum success in her business due to her efforts put in her business and her clear goals to achieve. Even she face the hair falls problem, she did not lose her hope and keep trying to solve the problem. From that, we can know that she is a very hardworking person to achieve something success in her life and her career. She always knows exactly what she wants and what she is working toward in her business. Moreover, she always makes a good decision to commit time and resources needed to run her business. This is why she had a great success in her business and was the first American woman to become a self – made millionaire.


Observant – Steve Jobs

Observant means that good at watching and listening or good at noticing what is going on around you. Besides that, observant also means that quick to notice or perceive and alert. For a businessman, an observant is the one of the keys to success. If a person who do not know how to observe before doing something, they cannot do anything. For example, when students are in an experiment, they need to observe before making a conclusion. This would help them to do their work easily and sufficiently or make it successful.

The entrepreneur whose has the trait of “observant “is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in the city of San Francisco. He was the co-founder and CEO of Apple and formerly Pixar. He graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino, California and enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1972. Steve Jobs shows that he was an observant when he was doing his product design. Steve Jobs had a very hands-on approach to product design, which was arguably the favorite part of his job.

Steve Jobs’s reputation as a tech visionary originates not only from the reliable stream of breakthrough products that have come out of Apple in the last decade but also from an observation from his closest colleagues. When he took a decision out of the blue, they recount countless times. He makes the decision without any rationale, but it's turned out to be true. Ex-Apple employee Frederick Van Johnson explained it in the book ‘Inside Apple’ that he has that insight. You know, he is Steve. He has some sort of weird insight where he just knows.

Besides that, Steve Jobs said that if we want to make a great product, product quality should come first and not just a great packaging and excellent marketing strategies. Observant is important for the entrepreneur, they have to observe success, strategy, inspiration, and innovation. He also will observe needed from everyone before he comes out a new product. If we no observe the people needed, we can’t come out a great product. Nowadays, every customer was looking to the good quality product. So, a product quality is important.
Now, Apple is famous for its entertaining, world-class product presentations, that attract press coverage from the entire world and there is no debate as to who built this reputation. Steve Jobs's celebrity and charisma made him "the closest thing to a rock star in the world of business". Apple product even though is I-phone or laptop, it can seem that most of the people are using it. It’s has a good comment of it and every young adult also like it especially its design.

In conclusion, Steve Jobs shows his observant in completing his product design. Without having the observant, entrepreneurs cannot success. So, we must remember that before doing something, we have to observe first rather than doing. The observation can help us to make sure that whether the decision we make is true or false.

Steve Jobs

Networked – Mark Zuckerberg

Networked is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically:  the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business. The networked entrepreneur also means that they build innovative companies around core service offerings, which in addition to using ‘in-house’ assets, integrate with their business networks. Nowadays, many entrepreneurs need to be networked between each other, so they can work easily and efficiently with others in a business.

The entrepreneur who has shown the trait of “networked “is Mark Zuckerberg. He was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York. He is co-founder and CEO of the social-networking website Facebook, as well as one of the world's youngest billionaires. When he was in high school, he created an early version of the music software Pandora which called Synapse. In this way, he has been showed that his talent in making the software on the network. This makes several companies including AOL and Microsoft are interesting in buying the software and hiring him to be part of them before graduation. In this way, Mark Zuckerberg was starting making more networked entrepreneur in his business.

    Besides that, Mark Zuckerberg also showed his networked when he was in an interview with American talk show host Charlie Rose. He talked about his inspiring mentor Steve Jobs that Steve was amazing. He was build networked with Steve by asking him a lot of question. Steve Jobs was helping Zuckerberg in his business by giving him advice. Steve Jobs gave him advice about how he could build a team on building “high quality and good things”. They believed that their life path was not just building a business but more than that. They wanted to change the lives of people.

    Furthermore, Mark Zuckerberg also builds his networked when he built a program called Course Match. He built this program to help students to choose their classes based on the course selections of other users. He also invented Face mash and allowed users to vote that which one was more attractive compared to the two student pictures in the campus. In this way, he became popular in the campus. After he became popular, many people were inviting him to be a group with him to work on an idea on social networking.

                 All of this shows that Mark Zuckerberg has the potential to build networked with others people. Now, Facebook continued to succeed and became popular in the social networking. Everyone are using the “Facebook” to post and share their status to everyone. In a nutshell, we can conclude that to become a successful entrepreneur we should have to build our networked.

Mark Zuckerberg

Team Oriented – Lim Goh Tong

Team Oriented – Lim Goh Tong

Team oriented means that we have an attitude of deferring to one another in love, that we naturally seek the inputs and comments of others about our ministries, and that we love and value each other. Team oriented is not just needed by the entrepreneur, but it also needed by everyone. For example, when a student is doing her or his assignment, they need team oriented from their group and not just making her or his decision. So, team oriented is important to everyone, especially for the successful entrepreneur.

The entrepreneur who has shown this trait is Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong. He was a prominent, wealthy Malaysian Chinese businessman. He was the founder of Genting Highlands, Genting Groups and Star Cruises. He was the first people who open the casino resort at Genting Highlands. He has the integrity and reliability characteristics in his job. He always assumed that all of his workers are his valuable assets. He also believes that if he treats or takes care of his workers with the right ways, they will work more efficiently and he will get the profits and benefits. In this way, it shows that he was a team oriented person.

Why Lim Goh Tong had the good behavior and attitude? It is when he was young; his parent was paying more attention to him by teaching him traditional Chinese virtues. His parent believes that “a good parental teaching is very important that could affect a child’s life through his behavior and attitude”. Although it has been passing through many years, he still locked in his mind that his parent told him that “Do good to others and you will be rewarded somehow”. So, this making him to be a humble man that respected by everyone that works with him and his workers can rely on him because of his kind of hearts.
Besides that, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong also shows that he is a team oriented entrepreneur when he was doing the colossal task of the project. When he was found that Gunung Ulu Kali at a place called Genting Sempah seems to be an ideal location for him to build a hilltop resort. Most of the people looked down that he cannot take the risk because he wants to turn a jungle into a tourist resort. They thought this idea was really risk, but he still went ahead firmly with his plan.

After getting the approvals from the federal and state governments, he began to face the difficult task of the project. Although it is tough, he also tries his best to manage it and to make it successful because nothing can success without having the persistence. Many people looked down at him, but his workers also never give up supporting him and helping him to complete the task. He and his friends also had to stay in forests to finish up their work to build the Genting Highland resort. In this way, we can see that Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong is a successful team oriented entrepreneur.

In conclusion, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong believes that his workers are the people that run the organization. Without the teamwork from the workers, these projects will never success. In year 1996, he has proven that he is the employer who care and look after his employees by won the “Best Employer Award”. Now, Genting Highlands is one of the most successful casino resorts in the world and is one of the primary tourist attractions in Malaysia. So, the one of the important traits become a successful entrepreneur is team oriented.

Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong

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